A new open-access journal and the first official journal for the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
A new open-access journal and the first official journal for the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
We are thrilled to announce that in early 2025, SMFM launched PREGNANCY, a new open-access journal and the first official journal for the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine and its members! To support increased accessibility and transparency of original research in obstetrics, the journal will be open-access in partnership with the publishing company Wiley. This new partnership is the result of a long and careful process of strategic exploration, including an open call to publishers for applications.
PREGNANCY aims to engage members, clinicians, and researchers in all regions of the world, with diverse representation on the editorial board and in the publication of manuscripts from authors globally. Currently, the top OB-GYN journals, many of which are linked to organizations such as ours, have extremely competitive acceptance rates. Combined with high research productivity, it leaves our community with a large body of obstetric-specific research content and few options for high-impact publication. In addition, public funding entities are requiring researchers to publish their work in open-access journals. Considering these challenges and opportunities, the SMFM Board of Directors is eager to support this new platform for members and the obstetrics community to disseminate their work. In addition, with the power of SMFM behind PREGNANCY, members and readers will have access to a full suite of scientific information, clinical guidance, and educational content to elevate the delivery of care to patients globally.
Submit a Manuscript Call for Reviewers Access PREGNANCY
Frequently Asked Questions
The journal will be submitted for indexing (e.g., PubMed) as soon as possible. The average timeframe for application and acceptance for new journals is 12 – 18 months. All accepted manuscripts will be indexed retroactively.
There are multiple publishing models. In the traditional subscription-based model, a journal solicits paid subscriptions from readers. The open-access model does not have subscribers and is open to anyone to read. Instead of generating revenue from subscriptions, open-access models have an article publication cost (APC), which charges the author for publication.
The ownership agreement aligns with the SMFM strategic plan to further enhance member value and member engagement globally.
SMFM will oversee the journal’s governance structure, including the Editor-in-Chief. The editors will report to the SMFM Board of Directors.
The new journal provides new opportunities for SMFM members to engage and get involved with the Society.
PREGNANCY will create a new platform for publishing high-impact research and support the trend toward open-access requirements for published research.
The journal will allow for further dissemination and expansion of SMFM clinical guidance and educational offerings.
SMFM will derive a financial royalty that will support internal resources to increase clinical guidance, along with educational derivatives.