Member Spotlight

Luis Izquierdo, MD, MBA

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Institution: University of New Mexico

Title: Professor, Maternal Fetal Medicine

Medical School: Universidad Central del Caribe, Puerto Rico

Residency: San Juan City Hospital

Fellowship Training Institution: University of New Mexico School of Medicine

Personal and Family Background:

Tell us about someone who had an influence on you as child.

I was lucky and able to do medical house calls with my father. I learned the discipline that we need to have to pursue a healthcare career.

What was your first job and how did it prepare you for your current position?
My first job was as an Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico. This job gave me the opportunity and tools to develop a Women’s Ultrasound Unit.

How has your cultural background shaped you as an MFM?
Currently, I do a clinic in Santa Fe, New Mexico, that provides care to undocumented residents in this city. These residents are mostly from Mexican and Central American extraction. Being able to communicate in Spanish with these patients enhances the outcomes and attendance to clinics.

Medical Training:

Was there a mentor(s) inspired you?

  • L B Curet, MD was my MFM fellowship director and Division Chief during the first 10 years of my career.
  • Gloria Sarto, MD, PhD: Department Chair during training

How did the diversity (or lack of diversity) in your medical educators shape your training?
Being able to train in an ethnically diverse institution opened my mind and made me more conscientious about Hispanic and Native American population needs.

MFM Practice:

Tell us about one of your most memorable patient encounters.
I have many but I delivered a set of twins in the early 90’s. One of the twins was normal and the second one was anencephalic. After 15 years of absence from New Mexico, I returned to the University and in my first week rounding in the MFM service a medical student approached me and told me “I am Ms. ____ and you birthed me and my sister……”. A bunch of flashbacks and memories about her parents and the delivery were inspiring.

Tell us about an MFM colleague who has been an important part of your MFM career.
I can name a number of colleagues that have promoted my career, but Dr. LB Curet has guided me through the Maternal Fetal Medicine career as a mentor and a father.

What role has SMFM played in your career?
SMFM is important and has played a major role in my development. It gives me the opportunity to participate in meetings where the attendees are concerned with the same complex situations that I am. It also allows me to meet with MFM’s of different backgrounds and institutions that stimulate my growth and understanding.

In your spare time:

If you had to live one day in your life over and over (think Groundhog Day 1993 Movie), which would you pick?
The day that one of my sons graduated from medical school and I was able to walk with him, hood him and then present him the diploma.

SMFM Mad Libs:

I’m excited to wake up every day and practice Maternal Fetal Medicine because… I know that I will be helping a mother to have a better outcome.

If I could solve one problem in MFM it would be… Prevent preterm birth.

The best day I ever had as an MFM was… When I was able to transfuse a fetus in utero.

The hardest day I ever had as an MFM was… Losing a mother due to an amniotic fluid embolus.

I might be the only MFM who… Dresses as a professional wrestler.

My MFM colleagues would be shocked to know… I am a baseball fanatic.