Member Spotlight
Anna Marie Pacheco Young, MD, MPH
Institution: Northwestern McGaw
Medical School: Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Residency: Northwestern McGaw
Fellowship Training Institution: TBD
What opportunities and experiences influenced your career path?
Growing up, I was lucky to live all over the world! Witnessing each community be unified by its matriarchs, including the women who raised me, instilled a commitment to advocating and caring for Spanish-speaking women throughout their pregnancies and beyond.
Can you cite any particular instance(s) or individuals that influenced your career choices?
My abuela (grandmother) was a grand multipara. She carried eleven children and suffered numerous pregnancy comorbidities including several thromboembolic events that led her to have a devastating stroke at a young age. She never received high risk obstetrical care despite these complications and her illness ultimately created transcendental hardship. Because of her, I felt devoted to caring for vulnerable pregnant patients with similar experiences and ultimately inspired my accomplishments in health disparities and global public health.
What has been one of your biggest professional accomplishments?
I would say my biggest professional accomplishment thus far has been a simulation curriculum that I implemented in a rural hospital in Masindi, Uganda. Our goal was to empower midwives to diagnose and manage hypertensive disorders of pregnancy within their maternity ward using evidence-based guidelines. Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are largely underdiagnosed. We partnered with their leadership and community to create a program that was culturally sensitive and addressed their workforce capacity needs. I felt proud of our work because it was a product of teamwork that was largely led by the midwives and a representation of what sustainable global health initiatives should look like!
What challenges have you faced in your career and what advice can you offer?
Being raised by a single immigrant parent and being low socioeconomic status has put me on a path with unique and challenging considerations in the pursuit of a career in maternal fetal medicine. No one in my family had achieved a higher education when I started this journey, let alone would dream of having a career in medicine! I had to seek a lot of support and create a village of people to mentor me and help me achieve my goals. My biggest advice for those with similar experiences would be 1. Believe! You belong in this space and our patients need people like you in this field. 2. Seek help! Nothing happens in a vacuum. Lean on others to mentor you and support you in achieving your goals. Once you make it where you hope to land, pay it forward.
Can you share an ah-ha moment or experience that has impacted your career trajectory?
There was no real a-ha moment or one time experience for me but rather it was a collection of professional and personal experiences that have continued to motivate and inspire me to serve marginalized pregnant patients and be a leader in maternal fetal medicine.
Was there a mentor(s) and/or a patient who inspired you?
It is so hard to choose one mentor or patient. Our Venezuelan migrant patients at Cook County Stroger inspire me daily! They make every day of this challenging work worthwhile.
Tell us about one of your most memorable patient encounters.
One of my most memorable patient encounters was caring for a patient with acute fatty liver of pregnancy. She was very loved by all of those involved in her care. She unfortunately went into multi-system organ failure and passed away in the MICU a few days after delivery. Despite her overall course being challenging and absolutely devastating, I was incredibly inspired by how our community came together (MFM, MICU, etc) to do everything possible to save her life and later grieve and process this very difficult and shocking loss.
What has SMFM meant to you, both professionally and personally?
SMFM has been an incredible support system and inspiration to continue pursuing my dreams! It is such a warm community that is consistently cheering each other on. I am so grateful for the mentorship and community of inspiring colleagues that SMFM has given me as an SMFM Scholar. I am so excited for the collaboration that awaits us in the future to address the challenges that remain in maternal fetal medicine.
What are you currently reading or listening to?
I am currently reading Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Music wise I have been listening to Tems and Gracie Abrams (great female artists that I highly recommend!).
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I would have to choose Rota, Spain (our hometown!). The most amazing, peaceful, and beautiful beach town on the southern coast of Spain. I have so many good memories from childhood of spending all day on the beach and watching the sunset, walking along the board walk, or sitting at a café and eating churros early in the morning. Don’t get me started on the seafood!
What is a recent movie or show you enjoyed?
My partner and I are currently watching House of Dragon and are obsessed! We also love The Bear and are really excited about the release of the new season.
If you had to live one day in your life over and over (think 1993 film Groundhog Day), which day would you pick?
I would re-live the day I had the chance to go on a safari in Uganda. It was the most magical experience of my life!
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