Descriptions and Required Components for CPT 76805, 76815 and 76816 ultrasound procedures

Coding Tips,

Recently, our membership has had questions regarding the appropriate use and required components of CPT codes 76805, 76816 and 76815.  This coding tip reviews the components of each imaging study, as well as provides some clinical scenarios of appropriate use: 

It is important to distinguish, perform and document the required components for the common obstetric ultrasound procedures described below.

76805. Ultrasound, pregnant uterus, real time with image documentation, fetal and maternal evaluation, after first trimester (> or = 14 weeks 0 days), transabdominal approach, single or first gestation

Required components, whether visualized or not (should be documented): 

Head and neck:

•   Lateral cerebral ventricles

•   Choroid plexus (right and left)

•   Midline falx

•   Cavum septi pellucidi

•   Cerebellum

•   Cisterna magna


•   Upper lip


•   Cardiac activity

•   Four chamber view

•   Left ventricular outflow tract

•   Right ventricular outflow tract


•   Stomach (presence, size, and situs)

•   Kidneys

•   Urinary bladder

•   Cord insertion site into fetal abdomen

•   Umbilical cord and vessel number


•   Cervical

•   Thoracic

•   Lumbar

•   Sacral spine 


•   Legs

•   Arms 


•   Placenta location

•   Relationship to internal os

•   Appearance

•   Placental cord insertion

Standard evaluation:

•   Fetal number

•   Presentation

•   Qualitative or semi-qualitative estimate of amniotic fluid


•   BPD

•   Head circumference

•   Femur length

•   Abdominal circumference

•   Fetal weight estimate

Maternal anatomy:

•   Cervix (separate transvaginal when indicated)

•   Uterus

•   Adnexa (even if ovaries not visualized)

76815 Ultrasound, pregnant uterus, limited (fetal heart beat, placental location, fetal position and/or qualitative amniotic fluid volume), one or more fetuses

One or more of the following components only:

·         Fetal heart beat

·         Placental location

·         Fetal position

·         Qualitative amniotic fluid volume

76816 Ultrasound, pregnant uterus, real time with image documentation, follow-up (eg, re-evaluation of fetal size by measuring standard growth parameters and amniotic fluid volume, re-evaluation of organ system(s) suspected or confirmed to be abnormal on a previous scan), trans-abdominal approach, per fetus

The use of this CPT code is reserved for subsequent follow up ultrasound only; i.e. An ultrasound must have been performed previously.

Components include: Focused assessment of fetal size by measuring BPD, abdominal circumference, femur length, or other appropriate measurement; and amniotic fluid volume


Detailed re-examination of a specific organ or system known or suspected to be abnormal.

Sample Clinical Scenarios:

1. Patient seen in the ED or office for a limited ultrasound. Ultrasound documents fetus number, fetal heart beat, and fetal position. Amniotic fluid volume and placental location are not assessed. 

Appropriate code: 76815

2. Patient seen in office for routine screening second trimester anatomy ultrasound. Patient is low risk with no medical problems or suspected or known fetal abnormalities. 

Appropriate code: 76805

3. Patient seen in office for follow up ultrasound for re-examination of fetal kidneys. A previous ultrasound has been performed evaluating anatomy.  

Appropriate code: 76816

4. Patient seen in office for targeted follow up fetal growth and amniotic fluid assessment. Fetal anatomy is not evaluated. A previous ultrasound has been performed evaluating anatomy. 

Appropriate code: 76816

5. Patient seen in office for evaluation of for placental location. Only placental location and amniotic fluid volume are evaluated on transabdominal ultrasound only. Fetal growth and maternal or fetal anatomy are not evaluated.

Appropriate code: 76815

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