How to Use Modifier 25 correctly

Coding Tips,

Modifier 25 – this modifier is used to report an Evaluation and Management (E/M) service on a day when another service was provided to the patient by the same physician. In general, the patient’s condition will drive the indication for the separate E/M service that was provided in addition to the initial procedure As such, different diagnoses are not required for reporting of the E/M services on the same date. Two important exceptions where -25 is NOT to be used include a decision to perform surgery (modifier -57) and a separate non E/M service (modifier -59).

Example: A patient visits the MFM provider for an ultrasound appointment and during this visit an anomaly is discovered within the fetus. The MFM provider has a discussion with the patient regarding the findings, discusses plans of action and further recommendations. The ultrasound report and E/M visit documentation should be distinct with separate headings, though not necessarily on two different documents.

Coding: The physician codes an E/M visit (New Patient 99201 – 99215), (Established Patient Visit 99212-99213) or (Consult Code IF requested 99241-99245) and also reports the ultrasound performed. The modifier 25 is added to the E/M visit to indicate that there was a separately identifiable E/M on the same day of a procedure/ultrasound.The modifier stops the bundling of the E/M visit into the procedure/ultrasound. When reviewing the physician’s documentation the payer should be able to determine that both the E/M and the procedure were medically necessary. As always, the documentation for each service must support the claim sent to the carrier.

When Not to Use the Modifier 251. 

  1. Do not use a 25 modifier when billing for services performed during a postoperative period if related to the previous surgery.
  2. Do not append modifier 25 if there is only an E/M service performed during the office visit (no procedure done).
  3. Do not use a modifier 25 on any E/M on the day a “Major” (90 day global) procedure is being performed.
  4. Do not append modifier 25 to an E/M service when a minimal procedure is performed on the same day unless the level of service can be supported as significant, separately identifiable. All procedures have “inherent” E/M service included.

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